Thursday, December 9, 2010

GFJ (361-362) Tis the season to eat CARBS....

One would think that I'd tried to svelte down since I've joined the gym and I"m going home to see my mom for the Holidays, but, NOT SO MUCH.. Instead, I took upon myself to create a baked gluten free pasta with spicy sausage and mushrooms.. I'm not going to lie, IT WAS DELIGHTFUL slash I've never felt so bloated in my entire life.

Ingredients for my pasta...

Pasta pre-baking....

Baked Gluten Free Pasta with Spicy Sausage, Onions, Garlic, Flat-Leaf Parsley and Gluten Free Bread Crumbs

My feeble attempt to be healthy... Argula Salad
WEDNESDAY Unfortunately I got a new blackberry and the camera is a POS.. So, you are missing all the delicious photos of our girls dinner at Wallse... Coco, Juanita, Josephina and I had a FEAST..

Breakfast: Nothing
Lunch: Leftover Gluten Free Pasta
Dinner:  Juanita, Josephina and I split the Spätzle with braised rabbit, wild mushrooms and summer squash  and Foie Gras "gugelhupf" with port wine gelee and sugar plums .. Coco couldn't partake cause of the gluten.

Then, Juanita and I shared the Hungarian Rabbit Goulash with spätzle and sweet peppers and Wiener Schnitzel with potato-cucumber salad and lingonberries ....

All four of us ended the night by splitting &Quot;taste of the schwarzwalder" cherries, chocolate, whipped cream