Monday, September 6, 2010

GFJ (260-261) And the San Francisco debauchery continues....

Saturday: If you are visiting San Francisco, a trip to The Tonga Room and Hurricane Bar should be included on your list of things to do. Located at the Fairmont Hotel (walking distance to our after-dinner spot,Le Club) is a little piece of kitschy heaven. If you like fun drinks, seeing a floating stage, indoor rain and being called, Mr. Nick, this place is for you.

LUNCH: Half a hotdog and some fries at Belvedere Tennis Club.
SNACK: One bag of gold... maybe two...
(Below: Bags of Gold)

DINNER: Tonga Room...
LATE NIGHT EATS: After Beej called and told me that Metts was making a quesadilla, I decided to eat some crackers and prosciutto that Metts left at the apartment for me... Don't judge.

(Below: Tonga Room - Scorpion Bowl)

(Below: This is the last thing I really remember... After this, the night got fuzzy.)

(Below: Tonga Room.. I'm not sure what this is but at some point in the night, I thought this would make an interesting picture...)

(Not pictured.. there was a bunch of other food that came out. I didn't eat any of it as I was too drunk and catching up with Bez.)

Sunday: Today I learned three things, 1. Luna Park is an amazing place to go when you want to shank yourself with a shiv, 2. People actually make burgers in Hot Dog shape... and by "people", I mean the Olympic Club in San Fran and Metts, 3. ABC = ALWAYS BE CLEANING....

Oh, actually, I learned four things. As I was sitting in the kitchen on Lake Street I was looking at all of my San Francisco friends, most of whom I've known since 'Nam and I got happy slash sad all at the same time. How lucky am I to still be friends with those that met me when I was a hot mess? My heart felt full of love (to the point where JoJo and I were hugging it out and being sentimental saps)....and then I felt sad that they all hang out like this whilst I'm hustling in NYC...

BREAKFAST: More prociutto and crackers.

LUNCH: Metts picked me up for a little hair of the dog. As soon as I got in the Kitty Cat he asked, "how do you feel about having the best mojito of your life?"

(Below: Luna Park Mojito...I've seen these plastic animals before. Never have I seen a giraffe.)

(Below: Luna Park Monte Cristo...This is what I ordered...)

(Below: Luna Park Warm Goat Cheese Fondue....This is what Metts ordered. It was dead small. He had the lady lunch and I had the man lunch.)

DINNER: Okay, so there were only two boxes of BAGS OF GOLD left. There are 8 per box and we were about 8 people at the time... Since I put in the effort to make the BAGS OF GOLD and I don't live in SF, I took it upon myself to eat three of them. Each one was heaven sent.....

At one point, Metts was like, "eff the bbq, let's just go to the Olympic Club for Sunday Buffet..." then he decided, "okay we are bbq-ing..." So, that's what we did and I tried my very first burger dog....

(Below: More Bags of Gold)

(Below: Uncooked Burger Dog..The burger dog was made up at the Olympic Club. Apparently in order to save money, they ordered hotdog buns only so they had to make the burgers fit in that bun. At first, I was grossed out...then I got into it.)

(Below: Cooked Burger Dog with toasted bun. Do you know how a Burger Dog is cooked? In a cast-iron dish on the grill... Fannytastic.)

(Below: Burger Dog part deux... This is actually Metts burger dog from tonight.. He sent me a picture. I'm posting it as the above one doesn't look too appetizing.)

(Below: When I left, this kitchen was a hot mess. By the time that I boarded the plane, Metts had cleaned the beast up and sent me a picture... He cleans his place so easily by practicing ABC, Always Be Cleaning... This means you clean throughout the entire party, making it less tedious at the end of the night... Loves it.)